Marxism in a Lost Century: The Promise and Peril of Critical Theory


SKU: 9004227792 Category:


A biography of Paul Mattick, a German-American Marxist theorist and writer. Examines Mattick’s life and work in the context of the 20th century. Explores Mattick’s contributions to Marxist theory, particularly his critique of Leninism and Stalinism. Discusses Mattick’s involvement in the workers’ movement and his role in the Council Communist movement. Analyzes Mattick’s writings on economics, politics, and culture. Assesses Mattick’s legacy and his influence on contemporary Marxist thought. Draws on archival research and interviews with Mattick’s contemporaries. Provides a comprehensive overview of Mattick’s life and work for scholars and general readers alike.


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Marxism in a Lost Century: The Promise and Peril of Critical Theory
