The Cosmic Peril: Qadi Husayn Maybudi and the Sixteenth-Century Crisis of Celestial Authority


SKU: 900430231X Category:


Explores the life and work of Qadi Husayn Maybudi, a prominent 15th-century Iranian scholar and mystic. Examines Maybudi’s unique blend of philosophy, theology, and mysticism, which challenged conventional Islamic thought. Analyzes Maybudi’s concept of the “cosmic perils,” which he believed threatened the existence of the universe. Discusses Maybudi’s influence on later Islamic thinkers, including Mulla Sadra and Ibn Arabi. Provides a comprehensive overview of Maybudi’s major works, including his commentary on the Quran and his treatise on the nature of being. Offers a fresh perspective on the intellectual and religious landscape of 15th-century Iran. Contributes to the growing body of scholarship on Islamicate intellectual history. Written by a leading expert on Islamic philosophy and mysticism.


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The Cosmic Peril: Qadi Husayn Maybudi and the Sixteenth-Century Crisis of Celestial Authority
