Explores the complex interplay between development, politics, and farmer suicides in rural India. Analyzes the historical, social, and economic factors contributing to the crisis. Examines the role of government policies, market forces, and social inequality in shaping the plight of farmers. Offers insights into the lived experiences of farmers and […]
Explores the political and economic development of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from its formation in 1971 to the present day. Examines the UAE’s foreign policy and its role in regional and international affairs. Analyzes the UAE’s political system, including the role of the ruling family and the Federal National […]
The Fourteenth Edition of Babbie’s THE PRACTICE OF SOCIAL RESEARCH gives students the tools they need to apply research concepts practically, as both researchers and consumers. Known as the ??gold standard?? for research methods, the book offers a comprehensive, straightforward introduction to the field of research as practiced by social […]
See statisics through the eyes of a biologist as Practice of Statistics in the Life Sciences utilizes examples and exercises curated from across the life sciences in order to connect you to the material.
A comparative critical perspective on the presumption of innocence in criminal justice systems worldwide. Examines the historical evolution, theoretical foundations, and practical implications of the presumption of innocence. Analyzes the challenges and threats to the presumption of innocence in various jurisdictions. Explores the role of law enforcement, the judiciary, and […]