Understanding Intercultural Communication, 3rd Edition (UIC3) emphasizes a perspective that integrates intersectional identity complexity with a strong values orientation in shaping intercultural contact. We address contemporary issues such as the important roles and effects of technology in our everyday intercultural lives. This is an introductory book designed for undergraduate students, […]
Examine the issues impacting today’s current, fast-shifting business environment and the necessary management solutions with Daft/Marcic’s market-leading UNDERSTANDING MANAGEMENT, 12E. Even before recent upheavals, managers and organizations were buffeted by competitive, social, technological and economic change. Today’s managers face more demands than ever before in the scramble to cope with […]
Nourish your mind with UNDERSTANDING NORMAL AND CLINICAL NUTRITION, 12th Edition! Start by learning about normal nutrition, including the effects of food and nutrients on your mental and physical health, and then turn your focus to the clinical side of nutrition and the therapeutic care of people with health problems. […]
More than one million readers make UNDERSTANDING NUTRITION the best-selling introductory nutrition book on the market today! Now in its 14th Edition, this book maintains the quality and support that discerning readers demand in nutrition applications and science that are ideal at introductory levels. New and updated topics refresh every […]