Neurophysiology: A Conceptual Approach offers a refreshing alternative to ‘learning by rote’. Under new authorship, the sixth edition preserves the legacy of the original author, the late Roger Carpenter, retaining the concise approach and readable style so central to its predecessors. I
Text that’s effortlessly navigable with search and zoom capabilities. Continuous access to all your purchases. Smooth compatibility with the majority of smart devices for effortless reading. Email us if you have any concerns: [email protected] Author: Gerald Corey
With fully integrated DSM-5 criteria and current CACREP standards, Case Conceptualization and Effective Interventions by Lynn Zubernis and Matthew Snyder examines case conceptualization and effective treatments across the most common disorders encountered in counseling. The comprehensive approach helps readers develop their professional identities as well as their case conceptualization and […]
Text that’s effortlessly navigable with search and zoom capabilities. Continuous access to all your purchases. Smooth compatibility with the majority of smart devices for effortless reading. Email us if you have any concerns: [email protected] Author: Diane Gehart
Text that’s effortlessly navigable with search and zoom capabilities. Continuous access to all your purchases. Smooth compatibility with the majority of smart devices for effortless reading. Email us if you have any concerns: [email protected] Author: Thomas F. Oltmanns, Michele T. Martin , et al.