Explores the historical context and contemporary relevance of major criminological theories. Examines the social, political, and economic factors that shape criminal behavior. Analyzes the consequences of crime and the effectiveness of various crime control policies. Presents a balanced and critical overview of different theoretical perspectives. Includes case studies and real-world […]
Explores the nature, extent, causes, and control of crime in a changing society. Examines major theoretical perspectives in criminology, including classical, biological, psychological, and sociological theories. Covers a wide range of criminal behaviors, from street crime to white-collar crime and terrorism. Analyzes the criminal justice system’s response to crime, including […]
Bestselling CRIMINOLOGY: THEORIES, PATTERNS, AND TYPOLOGIES, now in its Twelfth Edition, delivers the most comprehensive, in-depth analysis of criminological theory and crime typologies available. This book is also unrivaled in its strong research base and currency, with detailed coverage of cybercrime, green crime, and transnational crime–three of the hottest issues […]
The bestselling text on the market and now in its thirteenth edition, CRIMINOLOGY: THEORIES, PATTERNS, AND TYPOLOGIES, delivers the most comprehensive, in-depth analysis of criminological theory and crime typologies available — showing you how criminology relates to criminal justice policy. Renowned for his unbiased presentation of theories, issues, and controversies, […]
Provides a comprehensive overview of criminological theories, explaining the causes of crime and criminal behavior. Explores various research methods used in criminology, emphasizing ethical considerations and data analysis techniques. Examines different types of criminal behavior, including violent crime, property crime, and white-collar crime. Analyzes the criminal justice system’s response to […]
Explores the causes and consequences of major crises in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries.Provides an in-depth analysis of the environmental challenges faced by these industries.Offers practical solutions for preventing and mitigating future crises.Includes case studies of major disasters, such as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the Bhopal gas […]
This text provides crucial help for mental health professionals in assessing and reacting to various crises involving suicide, homicide, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, sexual abuse, bereavement/grief, substance use, natural disasters, wars, and terrorism. Included are practical applications to various crisis situations experienced by counselors and first-hand experiences and perspectives […]